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  Just then, Brennon quickly rose up from the chair and grabbed the gun from Darren’s hand.

  Tory, who had managed to free himself too, grabbed the knife and stabbed him in the left eye.

  “Shoot him!” I yelled.

  Brennon shot him ten times.

  Once Tory freed me from the bound rope, I kicked and stomped on Darren’s body over and over again, while Brennon called for backup.

  “It’s over,” Tory said.

  Within ten minutes, police, DEA, and federal agents were swarming the abandoned house.

  All of us were ordered to go to the hospital. Gabrielle and the baby were well, but as a precautionary measure, the doctors wanted to monitor the baby’s heart rate for at least one night.

  Despite minor bruises on Tory and Brennon, they were discharged. I ended up with a swollen cheek and a mild concussion from getting knocked out with a bat in the hotel room.

  “Thank you.” Brennon embraced me.

  “No. Thank you,” I replied. Despite the circumstances, it was nice to meet Gabrielle.

  The same night, Brennon had the court approve a warrant for Darren’s DNA samples. A few days later, Brennon saw Darren’s body cremated with his own eyes, wanting to make sure he was dead and that there would be no coming back.

  To my surprise, there was a hundred-thousand-dollar reward for the capture of Darren Edmonds. Tory and I were entitled to it. We decided to donate it to all the victims’ families.

  After cooperating with the police, DEA, and federal agents, it was time to return home.

  It turned out that Darren had Tory captive there the whole time, with round-the-clock security and surveillance on his every move. Tory knew of Darren’s complete history. He couldn’t think of leaving because there was always a gun pointed at his head.

  During his year in captivity, Tory had a lot of time to think about his father’s death, his family, and me, and took a stand to stop drinking altogether.

  We agreed not to tell a soul what truly happened. All we wanted was to move on and look forward to the future.


  Tory and I decided to renew our vows and invite our closest friends and family members to the ceremony. No one could tell the difference in Tory, except that his skin had cleared up. Those were the only comments both of us were receiving. The girls wanted to know what magic lotion Tory had used to get rid of his scars.

  It was easy for Tory to get back into the groove with his job with Irv and at the restaurant.

  Next fall, we will be welcoming a son into the family. His name will be William Martin Sothers. My parents and his mother are counting down the days till I deliver the baby. This whole ordeal has taught Tory and I to appreciate and love each other even more.

  Gabrielle delivered a healthy six-pound ten-ounce baby girl named Gina Laura Gilles. Brennon said they couldn’t be happier. He and I promised to keep in contact more with each other.

  Yvette never came clean about the brief affair she had. With the mother-in-law finally out of the way, she finally has peace in her home again. The relationship between her and her husband is getting stronger every day.

  Tara has become a homebody and rarely parties now. Her primary focus is her family. Rob was granted full custody of his son Ryan. With Ryan and Victoria being so young, Tara decided to stay at home with the kids. For Victoria’s second birthday, they are planning a trip to Disney World.

  My little sister Leah will never change and will forever be a party girl. A couple of weeks ago, I found out her vehicle was on the brink of getting repossessed again. This time, I didn’t bother helping her out. She needs to learn to be more responsible and pay her bills on her own.

  In the meantime she has Nelson, who continues to put up with her. I can’t judge him for staying with her regardless of what trouble she gets herself into. With everything I’ve been through. I’ve learned that love can definitely conquer all.

  Urban Books, LLC

  97 N18th Street

  Wyandanch, NY 11798

  Hidden Intentions 2 Copyright © 2010 Meisha Camm

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means without prior consent of the Publisher, except brief quotes used in reviews.

  ISBN: 978-1-6016-2414-7

  First Mass Market Printing June 2014

  First Trade Paperback Printing June 2010

  This is a work of fiction. Any references or similarities to actual events, real people, living, or dead, or to real locales are intended to give the novel a sense of reality. Any similarity in other names, caracters, places, and incidents is entirely coincidental.

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